


Stute, K., Gossé, L. K., Montero-Hernandez, S. A., Perkins, G. A., Yücel, M. A., Cutini, S., … Zainodini, H. The fNIRS Glossary Project: A Consensus-based Resource for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Terminology. doi: 10.31219/

Peer-review Journal Articles in English


Yu, C. C., Chen, C. Y., Muggleton, N. G., Ko, C. H., Liu, S. (2022). Acute exercise improves inhibitory control but not error detection in male violent perpetrators: An ERPs study with the emotional stop signal task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16:796180. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.796180.


Yu, C. C., Muggleton, N. G., Chen, C. Y., Ko, C. H., Liu, S. (2021). The comparisons of inhibitory control and post-error behaviors between different types of athletes and physically inactive adults. PLoS ONE , 16(8), e0256272. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256272.

Peer-review Journal Articles in Chinese (中文期刊)


Yu, C. C., Siao, R. H., Chen, C. Y. (2018). Can acute aerobic exercise affect inhibitory control ability and error monitoring in male adult offenders with drug abuse? Journal of Substance Abuse Research, 3(3), 63-86. doi: 10.6645/JSAR.201806_3(3).3. (急性有氧運動是否可以改善成年藥物濫用者之抑制控制及錯誤監控能力?)

Chen, C. Y., Yu, C. C. (2018). The neural mechanisms of inhibitory control in male adult offenders with drug abuse: an EEG investigation. Journal of Substance Abuse Research, 3(3), 33-61. doi: 10.6645/JSAR.201806_3(3).2. (在監男性成年藥物濫用者之抑制控制神經機制:腦波研究)


Ko, C. H., Yu, C. C., Chen, C. Y. (2017). Association between adolescent drug addiction and violent behavior. Journal of Substance Abuse Research, 2(2), 101-141. doi: 10.6645/JSAR.2017.2.2.4. (青少年藥物成癮與暴力行為的相關性)

Chen, C. Y., Ko, C. H., Yu, C. C. (2017). Differences in the effects of social exclusion on violent and non-violent male adolescents. Journal of Research in Delinquency and Prevention, 9(1), 1-48. doi: 10.29751/JRDP.201706_9(1).0001. (社會排斥對暴力與非暴力男性青少年之影響)


Chen, C. Y., Ko, C. H., Yu, C. C. (2016). Using event-related potentials to examine the effects of social exclusion in adolescents with drug abuse. Journal of Substance Abuse Research, 1(3), 43-79. doi: 10.6645/JSAR.2016.1.3.3. (以腦波檢視社會排斥對藥物濫用青少年之影響)