Conference Oral Presentations in English
Yu, C. C., Baker, B., Jung, Y., Skinner, D., Castelli, D. (2022). Using virtual reality to explore the effects of varied workloads and acute exercise on executive function. 2nd International Webinar on Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, Virtual Event.
Conference Oral Presentations in Chinese (中文口頭發表)
Yu, C. C., Muggleton, N. G., Liu, S., Chen, C. Y. (2017). The influences of acute aerobic exercise in inhibition and error processing of violent offenders. Annual Conference of PE & Sport Academic Societies in Taiwan, Chiayi, Taiwan. Received the Outstanding Research Paper Award. (急性有氧運動對暴力行為者的抑制控制與錯誤監控的影響,獲口頭發表優秀論文獎). Abstract.
Invited Talks
Yu C. C. (2022). Relationships between Exercise, Inhibitory Control, and Error Monitoring. Invited to present the findings of my previous studies at Dr. Darla Castelli’s class at The University of Texas at Austin.